Saturday, April 13, 2013

Deterrence: AT&T launches pyrrhic war of mutually assured diminished returns against Google

On the heels of Google's announcement it will build fiber to the premise (FTTP) Internet infrastructure serving the Austin, Texas area, AT&T announced it will build its own 1 gigabit FTTP infrastructure to match Google's.

The announcement amounts to a declaration of pyrrhic war by Ma Bell, designed to impose diminished returns on Google since the economics of competing fiber infrastructures could drive down take rates and ARPU for each player. AT&T is sending a message of deterrence to anyone that dares to invade its sovereign service territory with FTTP infrastructure faces mutually assured prolonged ROI and potential losses.

Meanwhile, as Ma Bell and the Googlers engage in a war of attrition in a select few metro battlefields, much of the United States can and should pursue a more peaceful and sane alternative in municipal and cooperatively constructed and owned open access FTTP infrastructure. 

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