Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Google Fiber doesn't have a wireless alternative because it would require huge technological breakthrough

Google Fiber Broadband Hype Replaced By Delays And Frustration | Techdirt: To be fair, Google's PR folks can't offer answers of what comes next because Google itself doesn't know what the wireless technology that will supplant fiber will look like. But even Google's wireless promises have been decidedly shaky. After acquiring urban wireless provider Webpass two years ago, some of that company's coverage markets have actually shrunk, with the provider simply pulling out of cities like Boston without much explanation. And many of the executives that were part of that acquisition have "suddenly" departed for unspecified reasons. At this point it's certainly possible that once Google Fiber is done with its multi-year, numerous wireless tests it settles on a cheaper (but still expensive and time consuming) alternative to fiber.
There's a simple answer here. It's because Google doesn't have (not yet, as least) an unconventional wireless technology that can replace fiber. That would require breakthrough technology that can get around the physics of radio spectrum that makes it difficult to reliably deliver bidirectional IP data streams to multiple users while penetrating objects and precipitation without interference. In other words, to get fiber's throughput, nothing tops fiber.

Milo Medin, Google's then vice president of access services, said as much at the 2013 Broadband Communities Summit, disabusing the notion that wireless can replace fiber and thus eliminating the cost of building the necessary infrastructure to support it:

Some argue that fiber networks are not really needed because of wireless network growth. As an engineer, quite honestly, this kind of talk makes my brain hurt. Wireless network growth is driven by fiber. All those base stations that smartphones connect to are increasingly connected by fiber because, as speeds go up, fiber is required to carry that kind of traffic.

In other words, wireless needs a lot of what some hope it can more cheaply substitute: fiber.

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