Friday, March 07, 2014

Broadband Spring emerges in Tennessee

Tennessee Legies Go Into Pro-Public Broadband Frenzy | Building the Gigabit City

Craig Settles reports on what appears to be the start of what I'm calling "Broadband Spring," powered by a decade of frustration and pent up demand to modernize telecommunications infrastructure to fiber to the premise architecture -- along with the realization that legacy incumbent telephone and cable companies are part of the problem and not part of the solution to getting that infrastructure in place.

This development could represent a tipping point where the public interest of modernizing the U.S. telecommunications infrastructure to fiber to the premise is outweighing the private interest of the legacy providers. It would be a welcome thaw after a 10-year-long winter of recession and failed public policy that has stood in the way of moving forward with this critical infrastructure.

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