Say you're a local elected official. One of the biggest issues your constituents bring to your attention for assistance is poor Internet access. Those who held office before you fielded calls and emails on this subject for years, seeing them spike in 2020-22 during the COVID pandemic.
Flummoxed and frustrated constituents tell you they see homes and small businesses not far way or even just down the road being offered service, but none is available to them despite repeated requests. Often, they may live just outside of town limits in unincorporated county jurisdiction. They try to make do with hard to afford satellite service or smartphone hot spots. Or fixed wireless that offers minimal connectivity at a high price.
Since Internet access was only briefly regulated as a public utility between 2015 and 2018, referring your constituents to the state public utilities commission (PUC) or the FCC won’t be able help them other than recording their complaint and sending them to the same provider that has repeatedly declined their requests for service.
That could potentially change this year if the FCC adopts regulations next week classifying Internet service as a telecommunications utility under Title II of the federal Communications Act. That would regulate Internet access like landline voice telephone service before it under a federal-state framework between the FCC and state PUCs. That means providers would be required to honor reasonable requests for service and would be prohibited from refusing service to a particular area.
This has significant implications since much of the nation’s existing landline deployment looks like a Swiss cheese with providers cherry picking higher density and income areas likelier to generate more revenues and greater profits for their investors. Homes and small businesses in the holes on the periphery are left without connections.
Assuming the FCC regulation becomes law, local elected officials should keep an eye on how it will be enforced when, for example, a constituent complains they have asked for service and been refused connectivity or told they’d have to come with thousands of dollars for a connection.
One of the main tasks that regulators will face is determining which provider must honor the request for service. While the language of the proposed regulation includes refers to where providers have built infrastructure and offer advanced telecommunications services which they refer to as their “footprint,” federal law (47 U.S.C. 214(e)(5)) affords state PUCs and the FCC authority to develop providers’ geographic parameters for the purpose of Title II’s universal service mandate requiring providers to offer service to all serviceable addresses within their service areas. One possibility is states could utilize state video franchise areas to designate carriers of last resort.
Additionally, the FCC regulation would give regulators authority to sanction discriminatory conduct under 47 U.S.C. 202 barring “unjust or unreasonable discrimination in charges, practices, classifications, regulations, facilities, or services for or in connection with like communication service, directly or indirectly, by any means or device, or to make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any particular person, class of persons, or locality, or to subject any particular person, class of persons, or locality to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage.” The statute allows for fines of $6,000 for each violation and $300 daily penalties for ongoing violations.
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