Wednesday, January 09, 2013

It's all about infrastructure, stupid

Council wants broadband minimum speeds redefined - News - The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports -: State law now sets 200 kilobits per second as the minimum broadband speed, one of the slowest limits in the nation.

"It's nonsensical in this day and age," said Gale Given, West Virginia state government's chief technology officer.

Several council members suggested setting the minimum broadband speed at 4 megabits per second.

The Federal Communications Commission suggested that every U.S. household have a 4-megabit Internet download speed by 2020. The FCC determined that minimum speed would be sufficient to send and receive emails, download Web pages and use videoconferencing.

The entire debate and policymaking drill over "broadband speeds" is itself becoming obsolete the with growth in fiber to the premise infrastructure capable of 1 gigabyte and faster throughput.  To paraphrase the 1992 Clinton presidential campaign slogan, it's not about speed.  It's all about infrastructure, stupid.

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