Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Unclear on the concept

The National Cable & Telecommunications Association is creating a 22,000-square-foot main street-themed exhibit space that it says will be the centerpiece of its exhibit floor. The exhibit will demonstrate "The many ways in which high-speed broadband service has and will continue to improve the lives of Americans."

The effort, announced Tuesday, matches the centerpiece that broadband deployment has become in the new Obama administration's economic stimulus package.

It also comes as Congress is debating how to dole out over $8 billion in grants for broadband. Satellite operators are fighting for their share of the money, arguing that satellite-delivered broadband will be the only way to reach some rural enclaves.

Like those rural areas on the edge of the Arctic Circle? Talk about unclear on the concept. I think I'll launch some of those digital dirigibles and apply for funding too. And let's not leave out BPL while we're at it.

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